iPod touchを利用した顕微鏡実習指導用教具開発の試み

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  • iPod touch オ リヨウ シタ ケンビキョウ ジッシュウ シドウヨウ キョウグ カイハツ ノ ココロミ
  • An Attempt to Develop a New Teaching Aid with iPod touch for Instructing Microscopic Observation.

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生物顕微鏡を用いた観察実習において,顕微鏡操作や観察の指導を個別に行うための教具について考察した。既存の顕微鏡観察の指導用機器や市販のデジタルAV機器の本目的への活用について検討を加え,iPod touchを中心とした新たな指導用教具を開発した。また,この指導用教具を利用した指導方法についても検討し,個別指導,グループ活動,全体指導における利用方法を提案した。

During microscopic observations of biology in primary school, junior high school, high school, college and so on, teachers frequently encounter with difficulty to instruct their students how to use their microscopes clearly and to indicate them what they should observe exactly. It seems to be difficult for beginners to focus the specimen, choose an appropriate field of view and find the object what they should observe. In this study, author discussed commercial teaching aids for instructing microscopic observation and developed a new teaching aid for instructing individually microscopic observation with iPod touch. How to use this instructing aid during individual microscopic observation, group activity, and classroom learning was also discussed.


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