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  • Cretaceous-Paleogene purple red beds in the Takashima district, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
  • 長崎県高島地域の白亜系-古第三系紫赤色岩層について
  • ナガサキケン タカシマ チイキ ノ ハクアケイ コ ダイ3ケイ シセキショクガ



Cretaceous-Paleogene purple red beds accompanied by drab-colored sediments in the Takashima district, Nagasaki Prefecture, were examined from a sedimentological and geochemical point of view to elucidate the origin of the pigment and the depositional environment. Results of petrographic, wet-chemical, X-ray and EPMA examinations indicate that the pigmenting agent responsible for the purple red color is corpuscular hematite which occurs in the matrix. The greater part of the hematite may have been produced by diagenetic dehydration of limonite precipitated during deposition of sediments. Some of the hematite may have been derived directly from schists and igneous rocks which are presumed, from the results of petrographic investigations, to have been exposed near the sedimentary basin. The results of field and laboratory works lead to the conclusion that the purple red beds were formed in a small-scaled fresh water basin adjacent to land.


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