歴史和解の比較研究 : ドイツと日本を事例に(後編)


  • A Comparative Study of German and Japanese Historical Reconciliation with Neighbouring Countries(Part 2)



This thesis will evaluate Germany’s and Japan’s reconciliation processes from a comparative perspective. It is concluded that the relative success of Germany’s reconciliation is because of the pragmatic reasons such as security, economical prosperity and the Cold War. Particularly, the commitment to European integration became one of the strongest incentives for Germany to reconcile with its neighbours. The process of reconciliation in Japan was slower than that of Germany, because of the continuity of political leaderships,impact of atomic bombings, geopolitical environment and other factors. While there is no universal model for reconciliation, it can be said that reconciliation is a long term process which can only be achieved through the coordination of the various actors from the top level to the grassroots level of the structure of the society.


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