

  • Reflections on Social Participatory Learning
  • シャカイ サンカガタ ガクシュウ ニ ヨル マナビ ノ コウチク ニ カンスル コウサツ



This paper aims to clarify the importance and difficulty of social participation learning including PBL (Problem-based learning) and active learning. Social participation learning makes learners to deepen their understanding of disciplinary knowledge, learn generic skills, and feel their citizenship in their community. In Japan’s school education context, this type of education is often confused to the education for “Global Human Resources”, that does not include citizenship education nor value education, but we should distinguish them for make clear the educational purpose of social participation learning. The school side has often prepared the program so well that in the local community, students are not required to behave as members, and local people treat them as guests. This is an inevitable tendency because of the bureaucracy of the school education, and this makes social participation learning difficult. What is essentially required is to join the community and lead a daily life with local people for a long term. Without achieving non-formal, soft and flexible social participation activities in the management of formal and rigid school education, it would be impossible to construct social participation learning in line with its original purpose.


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