- タイトル別名
- The Consideration on Muscle Atrophy and Hypertrophy of the Middle and Advanced Age People
- チュウ コウレイシャ ノ キン イシュク ト ヒダイ ニ カンスル イチ コウサツ
In this study I want to find out how the phenomenon of muscle atrophy and hypertrophy occurs. Also I try to consider the remedy against them. <br> 1. People who have no instinct of exercising need to work out the necessity of exercising. <br> 2. Human muscle develops if it is moderately used, and if not, it become atrophic and degenerates. <br> 3. We need to build anti-aging body through good exercising. <br> 4. Exercising should be continuous, enjoyable including dance for example.
- 一関工業高等専門学校研究紀要
一関工業高等専門学校研究紀要 53 (0), 1-6, 2018
独立行政法人国立高等専門学校機構 一関工業高等専門学校