Community of Practice's Influence on Knowledge Transfer and the Mechanism


Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 実践共同体における知識移転のメカニズム
  • ― A Network Study of the Rangaku Scholars ―
  • ― 江戸の蘭学者の師弟ネットワーク分析による実証研究 ―


<p>This study investigates what kind of Community of Practice can adapt to environment changes. This study focusses on informal trust-based Community of Practice and has a purpose to clarify the mechanism of information transfer through the activities of Communication of Practice and the factors that bring adaption to environment changes. This study uses Network analysis data from 7729 “Rangaku" scholars during Edo period including scholars from abroad. The result shows that Community of Practice, with masters who are in a position to get valuable information easily, contributes more to the rise of “Rangaku". This study has a theoretical contribution on Community of Practice studies and practical contribution by suggesting what is an effective Community of Practice to overcome organizational inertia.</p>


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    • JaLC
    • CiNii Articles
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