Assistant Head Nurses’ Involvement with Mid-level Nurses:

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  • Actions and Thoughts

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<p>Objective: This study aims to depict the involvement of assistant head nurse with mid-level nurses and the thoughts behind the involvement. Methods: Data were collected from five assistant head nurses through focus group interviews of their involvement with and thoughts about mid-level nurses and qualitatively descriptively analyzed. Results: Six categories were extracted as actual involvement: “consciously drawing out thoughts and feelings,” “making requests taking work content into consideration,” “supporting and encouraging,” “making use of high practical abilities,” “clearly communicating requests,” and “overcoming difficulties in the relationship.” Four categories were extracted as thoughts behind involvement: “considering the influence of the ability to act and the power to send messages,” “expecting for effects their efforts on colleagues,” “thoughts on how to provide instruction,” “understanding the position and thoughts of each party.” Conclusion: Assistant head nurses rely on the abilities of mid-level nurses, shown in how they pay attention to the thoughts of mid-level nurses, while involving themselves to prevent the power and influence of mid-level nurses leading to a negative direction.</p>



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