Typhoon Deposits at Coastal Lakes during the Holocene at the western coast of Kyushu Island, Japan


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Other Title
  • 九州西岸沿岸湖沼堆積物に保存された完新世におけるイベント堆積層
  • --- Applications for Ancient Typhoon Predictions using Diatom and Chrysophytes Assemblages –
  • --珪藻・黄金色藻遺骸を用いた台風襲来史復元の試み--


<p>In this paper, the eventual typhoon deposits in coastal lake deposits were presumed using diatom and Chrysophytes fossil assemblages. The research areas are two coastal lakes along the western Kyushu, Lake Namako-ike at Kamikoshiki Island and Lake Daijya-ike (Ikeda-ike) at Amakusa Peninsula, and we presumed ancient huge typhoon hazards during 7500 years. The eventual typhoon depositions had repeated in the both lakes. We presumed 10 layers of huge typhoons at Lake Daijya-ike (Ikeda-ike), and 8 times at Lake Namako-ike until 6300 cal. yBP using diatom and Chrysophytes fossil assemblages.</p>


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