

  • ステントグラフト ナイソウジュツ ノ センコウ ガ ユウヨウ デ アッタ フクブ ダイドウミャク ソンショウ ニ ジュウニシチョウリダン オ ガッペイ シタ ドンテキ ガイショウ ノ 1レイ
  • A Case of Abdominal Aortic Injury and Duodenal Transection by Blunt Trauma Managed Successfully by Stent-graft Placement and Subsequent Laparotomy



type:TOHO University Scholarly Publication


鈍的外傷により十二指腸損傷と腹部大動脈損傷を合併する際,治療の優先順位の決定に難渋する.症例は35歳,男性.交通事故により搬送されCTで十二指腸損傷,腹部大動脈損傷と診断し緊急手術を行った.はじめにステントグラフト内挿術(EVAR)による腹部大動脈修復術を行った.その後,開腹手術を行い十二指腸は離断していたので消化管再建を行った.手術が必要な複数臓器損傷を有する外傷性大動脈損傷に対する治療介入の時期に関して明確な方針は決定されていない.来院時の血行動態の安定,待機期間中の鈍的腹部大動脈損傷の破裂リスクを考慮しEVARを優先して行い,同日に十二指腸離断に対して消化管再建も行うことができ良好な結果を得た症例を経験したので報告する.In a patient presenting with duodenal and abdominal aortic injuries caused by a blunt trauma, treatment priority may be difficult to determine. A 35-year-old road accident victim was transferred to our hospital. His computed tomography illustrated a duodenal injury and an abdominal aortic injury, requiring emergency surgery. First, we performed stent-graft placement (endovascular aortic repair, EVAR) for the abdominal aortic injury. Subsequently, we performed laparotomy for gastrointestinal tract reconstruction of the transected duodenum. There are, however, no established guidelines regarding the timing of treatment for patients with traumatic aortic injury with multiple organ damage requiring surgery. In the present case, we first performed EVAR for stabilization of hemodynamics with consideration of the risk of aortic rupture from blunt trauma during the waiting time, and we could repair the transected duodenum on the same day. We report this successfully treated case of abdominal aortic injury and duodenal dissection.


