祭司(プリースト)からシャーマンへ : 沖縄・伊良部島佐良浜での事例


  • The Transition from Priest to Shaman : A Case of Sarahama, Irabu-Island in Okinawa
  • サイシ(プリースト)カラ シャーマン エ : オキナワ ・ イリョウブトウサリョウハマ デ ノ ジレイ



Folk religious practitioners in Okinawa are divided into two types, priest and shaman. Noro (or Tukasanma) who performs rituals for the community is regarded as a priest. Those women of priests only pray to spirits, but spirits don’t answer them. In response to personal requests, Yuta (or Munusunma), who makes fortune telling or prays to spirits of a household is regarded as a shaman. When they do something of seeing a spirit’s figure or hearing a spirit’s voice, spirits give them replays. In Miyako-Islands of Okinawa, religious practitioners, who have finished the term of Noro (Tukasanma) can play the role of Yuta (Munusunma). This article reports a case of such religious practitioners in Sarahama, Irabu-Island of Miyako-Islands.


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