Inter-laboratory Study on the Modified Method Assessment for the Determining Methanol Content in Kitchen Detergents

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  • 台所用洗浄剤中のメタノール改良分析法の室間共同実験


<p>We modified a method for determining methanol content in detergents used in kitchens. Furthermore, an inter-laboratory study was conducted in 10 laboratories to validate the modified method. In this study, two concentrations of samples were blindly coded. Each laboratory determined the methanol content in each sample according to a protocol. The determined values were statistically analyzed according to an international harmonized guideline. HorRat values were calculated based on the reproducibility relative standard deviation (RSDR) which was estimated from the interlaboratory study, and predicted RSDR calculated from the Horwitz/Thompson equation. The HorRat values of the two samples were 0.8 and 1.8, meeting the performance criteria of less than 2 set by the Codex Alimentarius for analytical method approval. These results confirm that this modified analytical method shows good performance as an analytical method for determining methanol content in kitchen detergents.</p>



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