Timing of Requests for Medical Assistance in Case of Difficult Airway Management - Based on a Case That Occurred during Tracheostomy in an Emergency Room -

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  • 気道確保困難に対する診療応援を要請するタイミング─救急外来にて気管切開中に生じた事例をもとに─


<p>In recent years, various airway securing devices have been developed and the safety of airway management has been greatly improved in terms of hardware. In addition, the DAM algorithm has been developed to improve the safety of airway management in the operating room, and safety has also been improved in terms of software. Airway management in the operating room is considered to be safer than that performed outside the operating room. In addition, anesthesiologists and nurses work as a team to secure the airway on a daily basis, thus creating a high level of teamwork to deal with difficulties in managing the airway. On the other hand, the response to difficulties in managing the airway outside the operating room, such as in emergency rooms and hospital wards, can still be improved. In fact, it has been reported that rates of difficult intubation and complications are higher when the airway is managed outside the operating room.</p><p>Anesthesiologists and otorhinolaryngologists are often asked to assist in airway management outside the operating room such as in emergency rooms and hospital wards. In order to improve the safety of airway management outside the operating room, it is desirable to create an environment in which anesthesiologists and otolaryngologists can appropriately use their skills. In the U.S., the Difficult Airway Response Team(DART)program has been established to deal with difficulties in airway management mainly by anesthesiologists and otorhinolaryngologists. In Japan, however, a DART program has not yet been established. In this paper, I will review my own experience and discuss issues that need to be considered in order to establish a DART program based on the DART request criteria in the U.S.</p>



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