

  • A Study of “Shin Kashoki” 1-5―Toyotomi Hideyoshiʼs way of life as a military commander and Sen no Rikyu's seppuku



Shin Kashoki, a book published in 1688, is an ukiyo-zoshi by Ihara Saikaku. In this paper, I review sections 1–5 of the book. The story begins with an incident of a carpenter begging for a prisonerʼs life. This action changes from the carpenter begging for anotherʼs life by an established custom to begging for anotherʼs life according to the precedent of justice. Right from the extraordinary response of the lord to the carpenterʼs execution, Saikaku portrays the samurai as someone who values honor and reputation.This story, along with the other volumes of Shin Kashoki, stratifies the world into three levels. The act of the carpenter begging for anotherʼs life falls under the second level, whereas Toyotomi Hideyoshiʼs anecdote in the age of Nagahama and Sen no Rikyuʼs seppuku constitute the third level.


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