Sharing Use Cases of a Chemistry Database around the World: Reaxys User Day

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  • 世界での化学データベースの活用事例の共有:Reaxys User Day
  • セカイ デ ノ カガク データベース ノ カツヨウ ジレイ ノ キョウユウ:Reaxys User Day

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<p>Elsevier conducted a world-wide event, Reaxys User Day, in order to share a variety of use cases of their chemistry database with users from all over the world. Both chemistry experts of Reaxys users and the representatives of Elsevier presented their unique use cases of Reaxys. The presentations were categorized in three sections: Design, Make, and Monitor. In the Design section, we shared the use cases for molecular designing. The Make section was about synthetic planning. In the Monitor section, we shared the use cases for patent research. In this paper, we report abstracts of presented use cases relevant to drug discovery and synthetic chemistry at Reaxys User Day.</p>


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