The Rise and Fall of the Ishibashi Faction of the Liberal Democratic Party : Considering Relationships between Ishibashi Tanzan and Tsuji Masanobu

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  • 自民党石橋派の盛衰 : 石橋湛山と辻政信の関係を踏まえつつ
  • ジミントウ イシバシハ ノ セイスイ : イシバシ タンザン ト ツジセイシン ノ カンケイ オ フマエ ツツ

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Ishibashi Tanzan (石橋湛山, 1884-1973), who wrote articles for the Toyo Keizai Shimpo (東洋経済新報) and a famous economist in the Pre-War Period Japan, became a Prime Minister in December 1956. There are numerous studies focusing on activities of Ishibashi as a journalist or statesperson before resigning the leader of Japan. On the other hand it seems that his role as a leader of the Ishibashi Faction (official name: Kayo-kai [火曜会]; literally the Tuesday Society) in the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). Further it is difficult that to identify members of the Ishibashi Faction, since the group was dissolved within 7 years after its formation and documents were dissipated. Therefore, in this article we examined forming of factions at the starting of the LDP in 1955 and its changes by December 1956. After that an outline and position of the Ishibashi Faction in the LDP were discussed and its member was checked. Added to this a reason of participation of Tsuji Masanobu (辻政信, 1902 - ?) for the Ishibashi Faction, who is a unique member of the clique.


  • 国際日本学

    国際日本学 19 61-71, 2022-02-10


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