

  • Review of Reading Activity over Community New Items and the Interest of the Readers
  • キョウド ニ カンスル シンブン キジ ノ エツドク プロファイル ト ソノ カンシン ケイコウ



Summay<br>  Through this investigation the author obtained the following results about the interest of newspaper readers. <br>  1. A lively concern is entertained for the current topics such as prices, politics, school education, environmental hazards, food problems, economic circles, etc. <br>  2. A great difference of the interest in the community is not seen between the local news readers seemingly much interested in the sources of information as to their community and those of the national leading newspapers. <br>  3. Searching and keeping the scraps largely depend on the estimation of their utiIity. <br>  4. The estimation does not come so much from the terms of profit or usefulness as awareness to the utility in the sense of desiring for personal culture. Culture-desiring readers are to be divided into the two types: one concerning for daily life and the other interested in cultural subjects. <br>  5. The news items estimated to be useful are often given in serial form.


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