Development and Validation of the Revised Attitudes toward Employment of Individuals with Psychiatric Disability Scale Short Form

  • Ozawa Akihiko
    Department of Human Welfare, Faculty of Social Welfare, Iwate Prefectural University, Iwate, Japan
  • Kikuchi Emiko
    Professor Emeritus at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan
  • Yaeda Jun
    Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo, Japan



本研究は、「精神障害者雇用の態度尺度評価・改訂版」(ATEPII)の短縮版(ATEPII-SF)として、事業主の態度の肯定的および否定的側面の測定が短時間で可能な尺度の開発を目的とした。対象は、筆者が実施した研究(JSPS科研費JP26380685)の対象の一部〔情報通信業、医療・福祉、サービス業(他に分類されないもの)の人事担当者1,306名〕である。探索的因子分析の結果、「精神障害者の雇用に対する意欲」「精神障害者に対する信頼」「精神障害者の活動制限」「精神障害者の注意配分」の4因子が抽出され、また、内的整合性と再検査信頼性が検証された。さらに、確認的因子分析の結果、構成概念妥当性が検証された。以上から、支援者による事業主支援の効果測定に、ATEPII-SFが利用できる可能性が示された。一方で、態度変容の実態の把握には、ATEPII-SFを用いた縦断的研究の必要性が示唆された。<br>Although there are scales that measure employer attitudes toward employing individuals with psychiatric disabilities from a multidimensional perspective, little work has been done to reduce the burden of answering relevant questionnaires. This study aimed to develop the Revised Attitudes toward Employment of Individuals with Psychiatric Disability Scale Short Form (ATEP II-SF). The construct validity of ATEP II-SF scores was calculated for a total of 1,306 employers in three industries ([a] Information and Communications; [b] Medical, Health Care and Welfare; and[ c] Services, not elsewhere classified[ N.E.C.]). Exploratory factor analysis yielded four factors( Employer Motivation for Hiring, Trustworthiness, Activity Limitation, and Attention Distribution). Excellent and moderate Cronbach alphas (range from .79 to .92) and test-retest reliability coefficients (range from .51 to .80) indicated that scores from the ATEP II-SF were internally consistent and almost stable when measuring attitude components. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the four-factor model of the ATEP II-SF construct (goodness-of-fit index = .92, adjusted goodness-of-fit index = .87, root meansquare error of approximation = .07). Items used in the ATEP II-SF were consistent with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health and reflected positive and negative attitudes, and potential practical and empirical use. These results suggest that the ATEP II-SF could be useful in both practical and empirical settings.




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