Characteristics and treatment of pain in Parkinson’s disease

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  • パーキンソン病の痛みの特徴と治療


<p>Pain is a representative non-motor symptom in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Pain is one of the most common symptoms that plague patients with PD regardless of the stage of the disease, also it can exacerbate other symptoms, such as depression, anxiety or sleep disturbance, and lead to impaired quality of life. However, pain is often not adequately evaluated and treated. PD patients complain of a wide variety of pain, including both PD-related pain which caused by PD-specific symptoms, for example, rigidity, bradykinesia or motor fluctuation, and PD-unrelated pain, and it can be divided into central and peripheral depending on the site of the disorder. In the medical care of the pain, it is important to evaluate the type and severity of the pain using PD-specific assessment scales such as King’s PD pain scale and to consider the evidence-based treatment methods according to the pathophysiology of the pain.</p>


  • Rinsho Shinkeigaku

    Rinsho Shinkeigaku 62 (10), 763-772, 2022

    Societas Neurologica Japonica


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