Lesson Framework for Autonomous Policy Proposals in Elementary Social Studies: Through an Awareness of Social Problems Focusing on the Development of Interest


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  • 自律的政策提案を促す小学校社会科授業構成 ―興味の発達に着目した社会問題の自覚化をとおして―


<p>  In elementary social studies, two learning styles for addressing social problems have been adopted, namely, formalistic learning aimed at improving individual behavior and activistic learning with no consideration for the feasibility of policy proposals. These approaches would not prompt autonomous policy proposals as children themselves are unaware of the problem at issue. In this study, we clarify the lesson framework of elementary social studies that encourages autonomous policy proposals and verifies its effectiveness through an analysis of class practice. In clarifying the lesson framework, we focus on the process of forming the motive for solving social problems. Motivation is formed by the development of interests, from arousing situational interests to manifesting personal interests, which thereon leads to an active involvement in problem-solving. This study suggests that children could make autonomous policy proposals by understanding the logic of the learner’s interest development as becoming aware of social problems.</p><p>  The significance of this study is expressed in the following two points:</p><p>  The first point is that the formation process of children’s motivation for learning has been clarified. In particular, the process of developing an interest is regarded as the process of becoming aware of social problems. The second point is to clarify the lesson framework that encourages autonomous policy proposals, and the effectiveness of such a structure has been verified. Through a lesson framework that encourages autonomous policy proposals, children gradually develop their interest in social problems and become aware of them. In addition, their reasoning skill will be linked to life experience and the knowledge built during the lesson, thereby enhancing the recognition of value, which will lead to their autonomous policy proposals.</p>


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