Proposal for Superconducting Cable with Energy Storage Function and Power System Using Them for Mass Utilization of Renewable Energy

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  • 再生可能エネルギーの大量利用に向けたエネルギー貯蔵機能付き超伝導ケーブルとそれを用いた電力システムの提案


<p>The purpose of this research is to develop fundamental technologies for innovative superconducting power networks that enable the large-scale use of renewable energy. Considering the depletion of fossil fuels, global environmental concerns, and Japan's extremely low energy self-sufficiency rate, the introduction and expansion of renewable energies such as solar and wind power is an urgent issue. However, the power generated by these sources fluctuates significantly due to weather conditions, and the current power system has a very limited capacity to accept such power due to the problems with installed capacity and frequency fluctuations. From this perspective, the establishment of power storage technology that can absorb such output power fluctuations is an extremely important issue. This research aims to develop an innovative energy network infrastructure technology to realize a society that massively utilizes renewable energy, based on the new concept of giving the power grid itself an energy storage function by using superconducting cables.</p>



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