ホルモン療法を受けている中年期にある乳がん女性の苦痛 ~外科外来の3 名の語りから~


  • The agonies of the middle-aged female breast cancer patient under the hormonal treatments at home.
  • ホルモン リョウホウ オ ウケテ イル チュウネンキ ニ アル ニュウガン ジョセイ ノ クツウ : ゲカ ガイライ ノ 3メイ ノ カタリ カラ




本研究の目的は,ホルモン療法を受ける中年期にある乳がん女性の苦痛を明らかにすることである.外来通院中の40 歳~ 60 歳未満の乳がん女性3 名対象に,半構造的面接の音声資料より分析データを作成し,見出しを付与した後,類似性に基づきサブカテゴリー,カテゴリーを生成した.中年期にある乳がん女性は,【自己コントロールできない副作用症状に翻弄される】ことで【日常生活に支障をきたす】苦痛を抱えていた.そして【他者との違いを意識する】【つらい気持ちを吐露できない】【女性らしさの喪失感に苛まれる】苦痛を抱え【再発の不安を払拭できない】でいた.外来ホルモン療法を受けている中年期にある乳がん女性は,予測できない副作用症状によって,対人関係に影響を及ぼしつらい気持ちを表出できずにいたため,苦痛を言語化でき語り合える場の構築や,非薬物療法によるサポーティブケアの実践が必要と示唆された.

The purpose of the study is to perceive and analyze the agonies of the middle-aged female breast cancer patients under the hormonal treatments at home. I have implemented the qualitative and descriptive interview for 3 female breast cancer patients at the age of 40 to 60 who are under the hormonal treatments. I have also analyzed the voice-recorded semi-structured interviews and have generated the categorized analytic data to set up categories with subcategories. The middle-aged female have shared the symptoms of “Uncontrollable agonies from the side-effects of the treatments.” and shared the agonies of “Unable to continue normal daily lives.” Also, “Can’t help noticing the inabilities from the others.” Also, they have felt “No way possible to share the agonies with the others.” They also have uttered “Unacceptable lost feelings of the feminine identity.” and “Have remained in the fear of repeating.” The middle-aged female breast cancer patients under the hormonal treatments at home have not been able to uttered their fears of unpredictable sudden attacks of side effects because of the care for not been able to uttered their fears of unpredictable sudden attacks of side effects because of the care for share their agonies with a supportive care system besides the pharmaceutical supports.

identifier:看護ケアサイエンス学会誌, 20(1), 2021.8, pp.29-40


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