Distribution and Origin of Acidic Soil on the Cut Slope of the Shikoku Expressway

  • ITO Hironobu
    West Nippon Expressway Engineering Shikoku Co., Ltd.
  • HASEGAWA Shuichi
    Institute of Education Research and Regional Cooperation for Crisis Management Shikoku, Kagawa University
  • YAMANAKA Minoru
    Faculty of Engineering and Design, Kagawa University
  • NISHIYAMA Ken-ichi
    Division of Science and Technology, Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, Tokushima University
  • ISHIDA Keisuke
    Tokushima University

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • 四国の高速道路切土法面における酸性土の分布と成因


<p>Poor vegetation due to acidic soil have occurred on many cut slopes of the expressways, although acidic soil had not been recognized in Shikoku. This study clarifies that the occurrence of acidic soils on the cut slope of the Shikoku Expressway are concentrated along the Median Tectonic Line. The acidic soils on the cut slopes of the expressway along the Median Tectonic Line is caused by oxidation of cubic pyrites which was formed by hydrothermal alteration due to the Miocene volcanism. The acidic soils became apparent in the unweathered bedrock which was exposed on the large-scale cut slope where pyrites have not been oxidized from near the ground surface. Hydrothermal alteration due to Miocene volcanic activity is the main cause of acid soils along the Median Tectonic Line.</p>



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