A sketching research on Etsuji Sumiya's growing environment and his social work

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The purpose of this paper is to sketching research on the well-being philosophy of Etsuji SUMIYA. In Chapter 1, author explored the basic layer of the well-being view from the growing environment of SUMIYA. In Chapter 2, through SUMIYA's practice on the issues of people with intellectual disabilities, author examined his well-being philosophy that will be developed. Also, author examined SUMIYA's philosophy on the well-being of the blind. In this paper, the following points have been clarified. SUMIYA was a man blessed with the love and upbringing of his family. Therefore, he was able to learn specifically about human dignity through his involvement in social work.


  • キリスト教社会問題研究

    キリスト教社会問題研究 (71), 67-83, 2022-12-20

    Institute for Study of Humanities & Social Sciences, Doshisha University

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