Process of Using Heated Tobacco Products for Smokers to Continue Smoking

DOI Open Access
  • Miyata Ruriko
    The department of children, Komono Town Office Graduate School of Nursing, Nagoya City University
  • Ozaki Itsuko
    Graduate School of Nursing, Nagoya City University
  • Kadoma Akiko
    Graduate School of Nursing, Nagoya City University

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  • 喫煙者が加熱式タバコを「タバコを吸い続けるための逃げ道」とするプロセス

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<p>Objective: The objectives of this study were to examine the process by which smokers become habituated to using heat-not-burn tobacco products, identify changes in their attitudes and behaviors regarding smoking, and offer guidance for health promotion. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the participants and analyzed using a modified grounded theory approach. The data were collected from May to August 2019. Results: Regarding smoking behavior, participants always showed an awareness of their relationships with non-smokers. They were frustrated at being unable to smoke without hesitation, which led them to seek alternatives. They also experienced guilt at harming the health of those around them as well as their own. To assuage this guilt, they chose to use heat-not-burn tobacco. Heat-not-burn tobacco proved to be freeing, ultimately turning the use of tobacco into a lifestyle. In general, the number of cigarettes smoked increased, and motivation toward smoking cessation decreased. Conclusions: In an environment where it is difficult to smoke, heat-not-burn tobacco products provide an alternative for smokers and an opportunity to change their behavior in future. It is important to provide adequate health guidance while keeping in mind that the use of heat-not-burn tobacco products may increase nicotine dependence.</p>


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