Development of application for comparative analysis of stained histopathological specimens using Microsoft Excel

  • NAKAMURA Hiroki
    Clinical Laboratory, Department of Medical Technology, Nishio Municipal Hospital

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Other Title
  • Microsoft Excelを用いた病理染色標本の比較解析アプリケーション開発


<p>Currently, the adequacy and reproducibility of specimen staining is subjectively assessed with microscopic observation by medical technologists or pathologists. However, this method is highly dependent on individual experience, skills, and preference, making standardization extremely difficult. Therefore, it has become necessary to establish an objective method. Accordingly, an analysis application was developed to calculate and compare representative color values from photographed images of stained specimens. This application features automated and easy handling of the analytical processes of stained specimen quantifications, analyses, and plotting. Furthermore, Microsoft Excel is used to simplify the introduction of the application, as it is well known and commonly used. Six different comparative methods are available for analysis, using HSV color space, CIE L*a*b* color space, and the CIE ΔE2000 color-difference formula that take into consideration human perceptual characteristics. The application also includes filters for excluding backgrounds and for choosing colors. By selecting and analyzing these features appropriately, one can easily and consistently compare and evaluate many stained specimens. The use of this application to manage staining conditions is expected to contribute to the promotion of the standardization of stained specimens and internal quality control.</p>


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