One Father’s Struggle to Harmonize an Occupational Being Driven by Doing


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Other Title
  • Doing によって主体的に作業的存在を調和させていった一人の父親の奮闘
  • A Study From an Occupational Perspective
  • ~作業的視点での考察~


In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for men to actively participate in child rearing. The process of men becoming fathers is a transactional change that occurs through child rearing efforts, and understanding the process of fatherhood requires a careful look at individual experiences. Therefore, in this paper, we look back at the transactively expanded work experiences that accompany fatherhood. As a result, we found that men harmonically transformed into ideal fathers and activists through proactive doing. The work of child-rearing served as a starting point which organically intersected and harmonized with the situational ele- ments surrounding child-rearing, forming a process of continuous transaction as the work evolved. Furthermore, our study indicated that the actions which began with the efforts of individual parents can spread to a group level, leading to the creation of a more work-oriented and just society at the collective level.


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    • JaLC
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