A Study of Students' Experiences and Creative Competencies in Design-Industry Collaboration Projects

  • MASUDA Yukiko
    Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo
  • FUSHIKIDA Wakako
    University Education Center/Graduate school of Systems Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University
  • IKEDA Megumi
    Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo
  • YAMAUCHI Yuhei
    Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo

Bibliographic Information

Other Title
  • デザイン産学連携プロジェクトにおける学生の経験とクリエイティブ・コンピテンシーの獲得実感に関する研究
  • ─Focus on interactions with groups, teachers, and collaborators.
  • ─グループ,教員,連携先との関わりに着目して


<p>In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey to clarify the experiences that contribute to students' acquisition of Creative Competencies in design-industry collaboration projects. Seventy-eight students responded to the survey, and factor and correlation analyses were conducted on the data. The results were as follows. Students' experiences related to their acquisition of Creative Competencies were "gathering information necessary for group productivity" and "mutual cooperation among group members," which indicated their interactions with group members, and "feedback on productivity by collaborators," "provision of information on introduction by the collaborators," and "communication with the collaborators," which indicated their interactions with the collaborators. Additionally, students' relationships with teachers were less related to learning outcomes than their relationship with groups and collaborators. This suggests that relationships with groups and collaborators are important for enhancing students' acquisition of Creative Competencies through activities in design-industry collaboration projects.</p>


Details 詳細情報について

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    • JaLC
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