

  • Achievements and Potential of the "Hakozaki and Museum Fieldwork Program" under the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • コロナ カ ニ オケル 「 ハコザキ ・ ハクブツカン フィールドワーク タイケン 」 ノ セイカ ト カノウセイ



In this paper, we discuss the achievements and potential of the educational practice "Hakozaki and Museum Fieldwork Program". Kyushu University finished thre relocated of Hakozaki Campus in 2018, and the university museum left at the old campus and the community are trying to collaborate at the fiscal year 2020 to 2021. In addition, students were unable to engage in face-to-face activities or interact with their peers during the covid-19 pandemic. We discuss the achievement of the fieldwork program in this situation from the results of a questionnaire survey of students. Findings from this practice are as follows. First, it is clear that in the covid-19 pandemic, "realistic experiences" are being required of students. The students felt that their own learning was deepened by sharing their experiences with other students. Second, students were able to think about the application of their former college town experience to the new campus. Envisioning the future based on past experiences is an important aspect in terms of developing active learners. At last, the student-centered educational practices were able to bring out the active participation of the participants. It is hoped that the Hakozaki Satellite and the University Museum will become a practical educational venue for regional cooperation in the future.


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