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  • Exercise environment expected by "Tokuteikenshin" participants
  • トクテイ ケンシン サンカシャ ガ モトメル ウンドウ カンキョウ



Purpose: To investigate the exercise environment expected by "Tokuteikenshin" participants. Methods: Sixty-seven community-dwelling "Tokuteikenshin" participants were investigated in this study. Blood tests and anthro-pometric measurements were conducted. We also investigated the lifestyle and environment expected by the subjects by questionnaire. The subjects were divided into two groups according to their expected habits by Transtheoretical Model (TIM): persons at maintenance stage (EA:20 female, 23 male, mean age 63.5±5.7) and at precontemplation, contemplation. preparation or action stage (NEA:11 female, 13 male, mean age 63.4±5.6). The outcome measures were compared between EA group and NEA group. Results: Diastolic blood pressure was significantly lower in EA group. There was no significant difference in anthropometric measurements and the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. There were more participants at the maintenance stage in eating habit (TTM) in EA group (p=0.046). More persons in EA group agreed "Do exerecise if you are introduced the companion of exercise" than those in NEA group (p=0.002). Discussion and Conclusions: Having several companions during exercise may encourage their maintenance in exercise habits. In addition, eating habit may be important in the continuation of exercise.


  • 総合保健体育科学

    総合保健体育科学 33 (1), 1-5, 2010-04-30


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