Implementation of the Virtualization Environments Based on Docker for the Information Exercise Courses

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  • Dockerによる仮想化環境を利用した情報系演習科目の実践


Due to the government’s declaration of a state of emergency, it was difficult to manage the exercise courses because the students were unable to come to the campus. The author implemented Docker for the virtual machines used in two exercise courses, “Advanced Topics in Media Informatics” and “Media Informatics Major Lab/Exercises B”. The lecture and exercise were conducted via online. Both courses were completed without any serious problems, and the engagement of the students seemed to be increased, suggesting the high educational effectiveness and usefulness of the system. A questionnaire survey, which was conducted after the courses, showed that the system was generally well received, and the space-time independence of the system was also highly evaluated by the students. Especially during “Media Informatics Major Lab/Exercises B” , the students were spontaneously working far beyond the regular class time.


  • Journal of JSEE

    Journal of JSEE 71 (2), 2_102-2_106, 2023

    Japanese Society for Engineering Education

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