Development and practical research of a check sheet for elementary school children’s working memory
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- 小学生のワーキングメモリに関するチェックシートの開発と実践
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In recent years, it has become clear that the function of working memory greatly affects learning. On the other hand, the relationship between working memory and learning stumbling blocks and specific support methods are still insufficiently understood in elementary schools, and further theoretical and practical knowledge about working memory in elementary school students is needed. In this paper, we focused on childrenʼs working memory, developed a tool that enables teachers to identify children with working memory issues from performers and classes, and conducted practical verification. As a result, it was clarified that there are two issues: the ingenuity to understand the working memory tasks, and the need to understand the background of the behavior other than the working memory tasks.
- 鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要
鳴門教育大学学校教育研究紀要 37 15-23, 2023-02
Center for Collaboration in Community, Naruto University of Education
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390014016717597568
- NII Book ID
- AA1212544X
- 18806864
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC