Motion analysis of relevance of trunk posture to shoulder condition during piano playing using IMUsensors

  • HIMENO Masako
    Toho Gakuen College National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
  • MURAI Akihiko
    National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

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Other Title
  • 加速度計を用いたピアノ演奏時の肩の不調と体幹部位の姿勢制御に関わる動作解析


<p>Using IMUsensors, we studied whether trunk movements relates to shoulder condition during piano playing or not. 27 music college school students having disorder or well-conditioned shoulders (14 and 13 cases, respectively) played two kinds of piano etude (scales and arpeggio), and we examined possible influencing factors. As the results,the disorderd-condditioned students showed common features in the use of trunk spin and lateral bending.There was a tendency to use right-handed spin and lateral bending to the left when playing on the right side of the piano (the top notes of the piano), and vice versa when playing on the left side.In addition, the cases where the students took a large forward bending posture during the performance were disordered-conditioned ones.</p>


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