A Study on the Typesetting of Books in the Early Showa Period With Special Reference to the Reprinted Version of Soseki Natsume’s I Am a Cat

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  • 昭和初期の書物本文組版についての考察 : 夏目漱石『吾輩は猫である』再刊本を中心に
  • ショウワ ショキ ノ ショモツ ホンブン クミハン ニ ツイテ ノ コウサツ ナツメ ソウセキ ワガハイ ハ ネコ デ アル サイカンボン ヲ チュウシン ニ

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This paper is a continuation of the author’s earlier publication, “The Design of Western-style Books in the Late Meiji Period.” It is a study on the page format of the first edition of Natsume Soseki’s I Am a Cat, and moves forward in time to analyze the typography of books published from the late Taisho to early Showa periods, and to examine the typographic design of these books. In the period covered by the analysis, books in formats that can be seen in bookstores today, such as monographs, collections, and paperbacks, were published. On the other hand, handcrafted books, which are rarely seen today, were published in limited numbers. This study focuses on the typesetting designed for these various types of publications, and compares the typesetting found in books intended for mass production, such as complete book set collections, with the handcrafted typesetting found in purely decorative books. I would like to examine the typography of the reprinted version of I Am a Cat, which may fall between these two types of typography.


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    • CiNii Articles

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