『信越紀行』と下田歌子の父祖意識 ― 付・東條琴臺石碑建立考


  • Shin-Etsu Kiko and Utako Shimoda’s Awareness of the Ancestors: Thoughts on the Erection of Tojo Kindai’s Inscription
  • 『 シンエツキコウ 』 ト シモダカコ ノ フソ イシキ : ツキ ・ トウジョウ キン ダイイシヒ コンリュウコウ



The travel journal Yomogimugura was compiled as Kosetsu Sosho, Vol. 1, A Collection of Utako Shimoda’s Handpicked Writings (November 1932, Jissen Girls’ School Publishing). It contains 20 travelogues and essays written by Shimoda. The book contains Shin-Etsu Kiko and Shin-Etsu Kiko Koki (postscript). These include hinamino nikki (journal), a set of diaries covering the 30 days from August 9 to September 7, 1899. Shin-Etsu Kiko comprises 80 tanka poems (58 by Shimoda and 22 by others), while Shin-Etsu Kiko Koki includes 26 (22 by Shimoda and four by others). Although researchers occasionally mention Shin- Etsu Kiko in Shimoda’s biographies and other similar materials, no discussion has focused on the writing. This paper analyzes the work to explore Shimoda’s whereabouts and practices at the time of the founding of the Imperial Women’s Association and considers her awareness of the ancestors underlying it.


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