地域課題解決学習による児童の挑戦する意欲と社会的有効性意識の向上 : 総合的な学習の時間のマネジメントと授業実践を通して


  • Improving Children’s Willingness to Take on Challenges and Awareness of Social Effectiveness through solving the problems of the community: Through the Period of Integrated Study management and classroom practice
  • チイキ カダイ カイケツ ガクシュウ ニ ヨル ジドウ ノ チョウセン スル イヨク ト シャカイテキ ユウコウセイ イシキ ノ コウジョウ : ソウゴウテキ ナ ガクシュウ ノ ジカン ノ マネジメント ト ジュギョウ ジッセン オ トオシテ



The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of teachers’ the period for the Period of Integrated Study management and class practice, which mainly focuses on solving the problems of the community, on children’s willingness to take on challenges and awareness of social effectiveness in elementary schools. A graduate student who is also an elementary school teacher managed the Period of Integrated Study and practiced the lesson for about one year, mainly focusing on solving the problems of the community for 4th to 6th graders. A questionnaire survey was conducted before and after the practice to measure the children’s willingness to take on challenges and awareness of social effectiveness. As a result, under certain conditions, it was found that, in elementary schools, teachers’ the Period of Integrated Study management and class practice, which mainly focuses on solving the problems of the community can increase children’s willingness to take on challenges and a sense of social effectiveness. The condition is that the children have the experience of directly changing to solve the problems of the community continuously together with the residents who work to solve the problems of the community.




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