The Sales Techniques of Trump in the 2016 Presidential Campaign : from a Viewpoint of the Marketing Strategy in the Primary Season

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  • 2016年大統領選挙における、トランプの営業技術 : 予備選でのマーケティング戦略の観点から
  • 2016ネン ダイトウリョウ センキョ ニ オケル 、 トランプ ノ エイギョウ ギジュツ : ヨビセン デ ノ マーケティング センリャク ノ カンテン カラ

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Summery: Many people think that Trump's attributes are peculiar to him. However, his behavior and words and actions are of business person's in many ways. Actually, behind Trump's victory, many marketing strategies are exercised. Here, I will introduce some marketing strategies which are used by him and his advisors in his 2016 Primary Campaign. Those are mainly analog marketing methods, and those are in common use among many business people. Aiming at customer satisfaction, using both direct marketing and selling skills, he implemented the emotion -driven marketing. Those are based on emotions. Without those methods, the President Trump may not have been born. I will search the techniques of the marketing in this report.


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