Effects on Participants of a Japanese Language Learning Supporter Training Program for Faculty and Administrative of a University Science Research Institute : How did the Program Help Solve the Problems Faced by the Technical Department?

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This paper describes the effects of a training program for Japanese language learning supporters at a science research institute on the technical staff member who took part in the program. The technical staff member stated she took the course hoping to solve communication problems between the technical department and foreign students. This paper examines said problem and how the training program contributed to its solution. The analysis reveals two elements at the heart of the problem: the gap between the technical staff members with more advanced and those with poorer English communication skills, and the gap between the technical staff and the international students. Learning "easy Japanese" —especially in the training program—helped overcome these communication hurdles. The training program is as such valuable not only for the learning it provides, but also in the sense that the participants were able to use their learning to solve problems in the field.


  • 日本語・日本文化

    日本語・日本文化 50 99-127, 2023-03-10

    The Center for Japanese Language and Culture, Osaka University

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