Realization Process of Luxury Grape Production in Katashimo Village, Nakakawachi County, Osaka Prefecture: Focusing on Progressive Farmer Practices in the Meiji Era

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  • 大阪府中河内郡堅下村における高級葡萄生産の実現過程―明治期の篤農家の実践に着目して―


<p>In modern Japan, along with the ongoing urbanization and industrialization, fruit production and production areas have become increasingly widespread. Fruit production and transport using railroads has developed in areas remote from large cities; meanwhile, production near large cities has either survived or expanded. Grapes are one of the most representative fruits of suburban agriculture. Among the grape-growing regions, Katashimo Village in Osaka Prefecture (now Kashiwara City, Osaka Prefecture) specialized in grapes earlier than other regions, such as Yamanashi and Okayama Prefectures, and achieved luxury grape production. This study examined how luxury grape production was achieved through the overall practice of the livelihood activities of a progressive farmer in Katashimo Village. Our analysis of his diary revealed how the progressive farmer achieved intensive production by focusing on his various practices and livelihood activities. To expand grape production, this farmer reduced the mountain work, sericulture, and field work to his family’s livelihood. Furthermore, such progressive farmers have played an important role in providing technical and financial assistance to other producers; they have proactively negotiated with brokers, wholesalers, and transporters and coordinated their interests based on the relationships among families in the village.</p>



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