中学生による音楽鑑賞文の記述内容に関する基礎的研究(2)―「計量テキスト分析」による言語分析を中心に ―


  • Basic Research on Contents of Music Appreciation Writing by Junior High School Students (2) -Focusing on the Quantitative Text Analysis of Linguistic Analyses-
  • チュウガクセイ ニ ヨル オンガク カンショウブン ノ キジュツ ナイヨウ ニ カンスル キソテキ ケンキュウ(2)「 ケイリョウ テキスト ブンセキ 」 ニ ヨル ゲンゴ ブンセキ オ チュウシン ニ



The New Curriculum Guidelines require instruction that has students acquire basic knowledge and skills through language activities and that cultivates various abilities, including thinking, decision-making, and expression. In particular, the enhancement of activities involving thinking about musical characteristics and value, as well as evidence-based verbal critiques on musical merit and beauty, are being required in the field of appreciation in music classes. In this study, we divide students into two groups, one that received instruction from the teacher before appreciating the music, and one that did not, and we compared the contents of their appreciation essays, organizing their processes of writing the essays by examining the characteristics of and disparities between the vocabulary used, and the connections between them, to clarify the effect of the teacher’s music appreciation instruction on verbalization. For the language analysis, we extracted the vocabulary used in the music appreciation essays so as to avoid being swayed by parts of speech such as adjectives and adjectival verbs, and used the language analysis software KH Coder to arrive at as objective an understanding as possible.


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