ケインズ経済学の概要とケインズ経済学が,戦後,日本の福祉国家体制に与えた影響 ―石橋湛山政権の政策に与えた影響を中心に―


  • The Overviews of Keynesian Economics and the Influences of Keynesian Economics on the Welfare State System in Japan after the Second World War with Emphasis on the Influences on the Policies of Tanzan ISHIBASHI Administration
  • ケインズ ケイザイガク ノ ガイヨウ ト ケインズ ケイザイガク ガ,センゴ,ニホン ノ フクシ コッカ タイセイ ニ アタエタ エイキョウ : イシバシ タンザン セイケン ノ セイサク ニ アタエタ エイキョウ オ チュウシン ニ



The purpose of this paper is to organize the overviews of Keynesian economics concerning the solution of unemployments, the full employment policies, and the philosophy of welfare and consider how the Keynesian economics mainly have an influences on the welfare state policies of Tanzan ISHIBASHI administration after the Second World War. A method to guarantee the right to existence of nation isn’t to systematize the social security policies and social welfare policies concretely, but is to promote the Keynesian full employment policies when comparing the Keynesian economics with the policy thoughts of Tanzan ISHIBASHI administration.


  • 人間健康学研究

    人間健康学研究 2 1-12, 2019-12-26


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