

  • Changes in muscle hardness over time after resistance exercise leading to transient exhaustion in young women
  • ジャクレイ ジョセイ ニ タイスル イッカセイ ノ ヒロウ コンパイ ニ イタル レジスタンス ウンドウ ジッシ ゴ ノ ジカン ケイカ ニ トモナウ キン コウド ノ ヘンカ ニ ツイテ



Empirically, human skeletal muscles stiffen if subjected to excessive exercise and recover to its original state after a few days, although there are individual differences. Although there have been studies on muscle hardness after transient resistance exercise, no consensus has been obtained. Additionally,, there are no studies targeting women. This study aimed to examine the upper arm of a young woman using muscle hardness ultrasonography (a device with a built-in pressure gauge in the probe of a B-mode ultrasound system that can measure the amount of muscle thickness displacement over time in response to applied pressure) and temporal changes in muscle hardness during transient muscle endurance exercise for the biceps. The participants were six young women. Temporary resistance exercises for the biceps comprised arm curls on the non-dominant side using dumbbells. The participants performed one set until they reached their limit, three sets with 2 min of rest in between. The exercise load was 30% MVC. Measurements of muscle hardness were performed during the menstrual period of the subjects, and measurements were taken five times in total, before and after transient resistance exercise, and 24, 48, and 72 hours after the end of exercise. Muscle hardness significantly improved 24 and 48 h after exercise compared to that of before exercise. It peaked 24 h after exercise and gradually decreased, and significantly decreased 72 h after exercise compared to that of 24 h after exercise. It was thought that I needed the time for around 72 hours for restoration and rebuilding of a line and the connective tissue that produced a microtear by a transient resistance campaign in the young woman.


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