Investigation of Method of Presenting Robot Touched Information by Evaluating Brain Activity

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Other Title
  • 幼児向け遠隔対話ロボットの被接触情報を提示する方法の脳活動評価を用いた検討
  • - Toward Implementation of Technology that Communicates Social Touch Information -
  • -ソーシャルタッチを伝達する接触情報伝達技術の実現に向けて-


<p>More robots interact remotely with people and teleoperated robots are also being used in childcare. Effective interaction cannot be achieved unless knowing how to present the touch interaction that children perform on a daily basis for the operator. Toward future goal of this research that implementation of the technology that communicates social touch information on telepresence childcare robots, this paper reports investigation how to present touched information to an operator by evaluating brain activity. As a result, texts describing the touch situation was the most acceptable presentation method with the least brain load on the operator.</p>



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