Industrial Chain Map and Linkage Network Characteristics of Digital Economy

  • Chen Yanwu
    Institute of Quantitative Economy, Huaqiao University
  • Ding Haiming
    Institute of Quantitative Economy, Huaqiao University
  • Ma Jun
    Institute of Quantitative Economy, Huaqiao University



<p>The development of the digital economy in the modern era significantly embodies a country’s comprehensive strength. This paper uses the data from China’s 2012 and 2017 input-output tables to analyze the linkage structure between the digital economy industry and other industries using the average propagation length model and social network analysis. The Weaver–Thomas model was used to obtain the industrial linkage matrix and network characteristics. An industrial chain map of the digital economy was depicted as the core. This paper is of practical significance in depicting the industrial chain structure and network characteristics, understanding the position of digital economy industry in the economic system and promoting the integrated development of the digital economy and traditional manufacturing industries, which allows them to incorporate the new generation of technology and industrial transformation with the digital technology as the core to promote their transformation and upgrading.</p>


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