Re-evaluation of the Ministry of Education order no. 6 in 1907 : encouraged to establish special class in elementary school attached to the prefectural normal school
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- 師範学校附属小学校特別学級設置勧奨に関する明治40年文部省訓令第6号の政策的再評価
- シハン ガッコウ フゾク ショウガッコウ トクベツ ガッキュウ セッチ カンショウ ニ カンスル メイジ 40ネン モンブショウ クンレイ ダイ6ゴウ ノ セイサクテキ サイヒョウカ
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The purpose of this study is to re-evaluate the Ministry of Education Order No.6 in 1907 that encouraged the establishment of special class for blind, deaf, and developmentally retarded children in the elementary school attached to the prefectural normal school. In the previous studies, Order No.6 has not been positively evaluated as education policy. In the midst of the lack of resources due to the great wars spending, momentous educational issues of infrastructure construction of higher education, the surge of primary schools, and expansion of secondary education had been piling up. In addition, working capital of the normal school had been spending from the financial resources of the prefectures managed by the Ministry of the Interior. The Ministry of Education was in a weak position in the national government. If consider taking into account such social and educational situation at the time, the Order No. 6, can be evaluated as a policy the Ministry of Education was possible adoption at that point. In such circumstances, special classes in elementary schools attached to the normal school was realized by the enthusiasm and cooperation of normal school president, attached elementary school director, and special class teacher.
- 福山市立大学教育学部研究紀要
福山市立大学教育学部研究紀要 4 69-83, 2016-02-29
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390016494574347648
- NII Article ID
- 120005741427
- NII Book ID
- AA12609650
- 2241/00138432
- 027238517
- 21876347
- Text Lang
- ja
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- JaLC
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