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  • Yeats's Vacillation
  • イエイツ ノ ドウヨウ



The poet's preoccupation is the image of 'Perfection,'hence the inevitable conflict between the irreconcilable claims of body and soul. The purgation of soul is the complement of the decaying body in 'Sailing to Byzantium.'The predicament is the more poignant as the decrepitude exposes the futility of sensuality. In 'Among School Children 'the struggle is sublimated into the state of analysis-denying, nonrealistic paradise. The dancing scene is so beautiful that it conceals the original ugliness that may have elemented it, since dancer itself is nothing but 'the bruised body' or 'the despair, 'or' the blear-eyed wisdom.'That is dissatisfactory; the labourless perfection is a mere show. The poet's reality lies in the dynamic forge of Byzantium where he is not any more the golden bird which he was in 'Sailing' but the broken image of human complexities. 'Vacillation' deals with the same context on a definition level but the integrity is still lacking; one notices' remorse' and false justification loitering through the lines. The poet rejects the Christian consolation as well as the Eastern wisdom of annihilation. A clue to the salvation has been revealed in the 'Crazy Jane' series but it is modified as a pattern of vacillation.


  • 言語科学

    言語科学 13 41-47, 1977-03


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