

  • A Study on the Interplay between Global Economic Change and Business Model Innovation.


This research examines the influence of global economic fluctuations on business model innovation. Utilizing a combination of historical data, literature reviews, and case studies, we explored how changing economic conditions catalyze business model innovations. We discovered that economic downturns often spur businesses to develop new value propositions, leading to innovative business models capable of industry transformation. Using the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic as case studies, we elucidated the emergence of the sharing economy and accelerated digital transformation, respectively, in response to these global economic hocks. We also touched upon the growing influence of generative AI on the economy and business models, indicating its potential for personalized customer experiences, new product ideas, and task automation. Our findings have important implications for businesses and policymakers, emphasizing the need to maintain agility, invest in R&D, and foster an environment conducive to innovation in response to changing economic conditions.


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