Thinking about the roots of ethnic formation and population issues


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  • 民族造形の根源・人口問題を考える


【Abstract: Indicators for the near future ― Ethnic formation and population】 Ethnic formation is supported by the power of human collectives. Demographics are the basis for the expression of diverse values of each ethnic group and serve as an index for understanding the state of human society in the near future from a macroscopic point of view. For this reason, changes in the world population have been grasped solely in relation between the food supply and demand and the spread of poverty. When predicting how the shaping power of various ethnic groups will change, the population problem is an extremely important keyword, and it is deeply connected to global environmental problems. On the other hand, Japan’s population problem is recognized as a social problem such as declining birthrate, aging population, declining labor force, and increasing medical expenses. Exploring the possibility of the emergence of new formative power in that direction is an urgent task entrusted to us by the next generation. (Nameshida Takashi) 1,


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