Study on the Organic Semiconductor Radiation Detectors Using Conductive Polymers

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  • 有機半導体放射線検出器の開発


<p>Semiconductor radiation detectors with high energy resolution are used in various fields such as particle and nuclear physics experiment. The inorganic semiconductor detectors have problems, which are inflexible, expensive, and difficult to fabricate a large detector. To solve the problems, the new radiation detectors are developed using conductive polymers without crystal structures. The hybrid sensors of prototype were fabricated by combining an n-type titanium oxide (TiO2) semiconductor as an additive with p-type polyaniline. In this paper, we measured the detection efficiency of the newly developed semiconductor radiation sensors.</p>



    RADIOISOTOPES 73 (1), 1-8, 2023-03-15

    Japan Radioisotope Association


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