- 大澤 啓志
- 日本大学生物資源科学部
- タイトル別名
- Transition of people’s perspectives toward <i>Dianthus spp.</i> in pre-modern literary works
<p>Based on the analysis of classical literary works, this study elucidated the presence of references to the flower Dianthus spp., the types of emotions associated with it, and the descriptions related to its growth in riparian areas. Keyword extraction from the waka poetry database of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies revealed that D. spp. is mentioned in 444 poems written from the Asuka Period to the Muromachi Period. The most common type of sentiment felt toward this flower was awe in front of its beauty throughout all eras. However, the proportion of lover’s substitutes decreased as time progressed. There were no significant differences in the percentages of emotions between the term “Nadeshiko” and “Yamatonadeshiko”. The term “Kawaranadeshiko” first appeared in 1459 and was used in waka poems to describe the melancholy or sense of impermanence evoked by water flowing away along the riverbank. In contrast, only 57 references to D. spp. have been detected in literary works other than waka poetry anthologies, indicating that D. spp. is mostly associated with waka poetry. Fifteen cases mentioned its growth in riparian areas, which are associated with rivers. This study argues that within the Japanese cultural context, people’s perspectives toward D. spp. developed in two directions as they approached modernity.</p>
- ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集)
ランドスケープ研究(オンライン論文集) 16 (0), 106-114, 2023-11-28
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
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