Components of Color Vision Diversity: A Literature Review and Interview Study


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  • 色覚多様性の概念に含まれる要素の体系化:文献調査とインタビュー調査による質的分析


<p>The function of color sense has a variation, but this idea is still not common in Japan. Therefore, students and pupils struggle during some school activities and lose confidence to communicate with others about a topic of colors. In this study, we aimed to identify the components of color vision diversity. We conducted a two-step study. Firstly, we reviewed articles and books written in the perspective of color vision diversity, and composed the elements quoted in the literature for three lists. Secondly, we interviewed three authors of the literature and confirmed the contents of the lists. Those researches revealed three components themes: a color-universal environment for school; empowerment for color-deficient students; extending the idea of the diversity of color vision and accurate knowledge about color, color sense, and color deficiency. We expect to use the results of this study to design an educational program for color-blind students and pupils, common color sense students and pupils, and teachers in school activities.</p>


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